33 easy and delicious light recipes
A book of light recipes is a super gift that you can make to any person, be it for birthdays, wise men, Christmas, anniversaries, etc. It is also an ally for those who have proposed to improve their diet at the start of a new year.
The good news is that, with this post, the best recipes for light meals they will not be as heavy as in a book, and you will have them on hand, online, to review them whenever you want. Thus, January will not be a difficult month, as many paint it, and the myth that it is not possible to eat light but tasty will end. If after reading this note, someone still has that idea, I am more than ready to discuss it in the comments at the bottom of the page.
To make life easier, the preparations on this list are not treated only from healthy meals, but also from easy light recipes . After so much cooking in December, it is totally normal to want a peaceful and uncomplicated January.
Light recipes for all occasions
We will also end with another myth: prepare meals healthy is boring. Could not be farther from the truth. With this list of light recipes , it is shown that they can be varied every day.
To review each of our recipes, click on their link.
For me, setting favorite recipes on this list is a bit like an impossible mission, more for a philosophy issue than a preference. The point is that I believe in the variety to take a habit, rather than start with the favorite dishes and then lose the inspiration of a style of eating. If every day there is a surprise, and you have enough variety, it should not be difficult to establish a feeding style, be it healthy meals, easy light recipes, vegetarian, low calorie recipes or any other.
In other publications we will show you how to maintain the habit of light diet, with several categories:
- Light desserts: if we already take care of salty, you have to make a space for the sweet, because eating light does not mean eating incomplete.
- Recipes to lose weight: to propose to lose weight does not mean limited to lettuce and tuna in water.The words prawns and light are too perfect to be in the same idea ... Wait ... There is a recipe with both.
- Turkey rolls stuffed with vegetables. The turkey also has a preferential place when it comes to light food.
- Light pork Bondiola. Pork can be surprisingly light and healthy. Here a version that leads to sweetener. Why did not you expect to see pork in a list of light recipes?
- Endive racks. A different vegetable, presented in an original way.
- Soup of carrots and peas. Original ingredients in a delicious and healthy combination.
- Veal kebabs with vegetable grill. To keep the "light" when it comes to red meat, you have to take care of the selection of cuts, the ingredients and do not overdo it.
- Ceviche de setas. We had already talked about ceviche as a light option. In addition to being ideal with fish or some seafood, it also works very well with vegetables.
- Lentil burgers. Hamburgers do not have to be enemies of the light kitchen.
- Pizza light. It sounds like a contradiction, but it exists. At least, some pizzas are more light than others.